Place born
Organisation / Person
1823-1914, railway administrator, England, British

Oakley, Sir Henry

1811 - 1914

1860-1903, railway company, Northern Ireland

Belfast & Northern Counties Railway

1805 - 1903

1810-1859, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Gloucester & Cheltenham Railway Company

1810 - 1859

1811-1838, railway company, Scotland, United Kingdom

Berwick & Kelso Railway

1811 - 1838

1878-1924, railway company, United Kingdom

Ballycastle Railway

1812 - 1924

active 1856, sculptor, French

Cavelier, Pierre-Jules

1814 - 1894

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1815-1889, medallist; sculptor, German

Brehmer, Heinrich Friedrich

1815 - 1889

1810-1878, chemist & physicist, French

Regnault, Henri Victor

1810 - 1878

1811-1875, inventor; entrepreneur, American

Singer, Isaac Merritt

1811 - 1875

1808-1874, inventor; ship's propeller patentee; marine engineer, England, British

Smith, Sir Francis Petit

1808 - 1874

1809-1903, astronomer; meteorologist, British

Glaisher, James

1809 - 1903

1815-1861, histologist; microscopist, English; British

Quekett, John Thomas

1815 - 1861

1815-1879, photographer, Indian-born, British

Cameron, Julia Margaret

1815 - 1879

1811-1899, chemist, German

Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm

1811 - 1899

1814-1874, physicist; spectroscopist, Swedish

Ångström, Anders Jonas

1814 - 1874

1809-1882, railway company director, MP, British

Leeman, George

1809 - 1882

1809-1885, pathologist; anatomist, German

Henle, Friedrich Gustav Jacob

1809 - 1885

1810-1900, armaments manufacturer; industrialist, British

Armstrong, Baron Armstrong, William George

1810 - 1900

1812-1877, locomotive engineer, British

Trevithick, Francis

1812 - 1877

1813-1873, painter; engraver; illustrator, French

Nanteuil, Celestin

1813 - 1873

1810-1894, physician; anatomist, Austrian

Hyrtl, Joseph

1810 - 1894

1812-1896, physician; inventor of a vaccinator, British

Weir, Thomas Graham

1812 - 1896

1810-1892, naturalist, opponent of Darwin, French

Quatrefages de Breau, Jean Louis Armand de

1810 - 1892

1810-1882, plumber; sanitary engineer, British

Jennings, George

1810 - 1882

1810-1881, civil engineer; scientist, Irish

Mallet, Robert

1810 - 1881

1815-1884, engraver; printmaker, English; British

Holl, Francis

1815 - 1884

1815-1852, mathematician; computer pioneer, British

Lovelace, Ada

1815 - 1852

1814-1897, locomotive engineer, British

Ramsbottom, John

1814 - 1897

1812-1904, preparer of iodised photographic paper, British

Cowderoy, Benjamin Thomas

1812 - 1904

1814-1879, glassblower; scientific instrument maker, German

Geissler, Heinrich

1814 - 1879

1814-1894, civil engineer, British

Clark, Edwin

1814 - 1894

1812-1899, civil engineer; railway engineer, British?

Brunton, John

1812 - 1899

1812-1895, physician; surgeon, French

Marjolin, Rene

1812 - 1895

1811-1889, photographer, French

Ferrier, Claude-Marie

1811 - 1889

1815-1889, active 1836-1889, chemist; astronomer, British; English

Rue, Warren de la

1815 - 1889

1809 -1891, active 1832-1872, maker of steam locomotive, British

Allan, Alexander

1809 - 1891

1815-1883, manufacturer, German

Budenberg, Christian Friedrich

1815 - 1883

1811-1869, artist; landscape painter, British

Creswick, Thomas

1811 - 1869

1812-1887, metallurgist; railway and locomotive manufacturer, German

Krupp, Alfred

1812 - 1887

1810-1899, 6th Duke of Northumberland, English; British

Percy, Algernon George

1810 - 1899

1812-1900, physician; toxicologist; lecturer, Scottish; British

Maclagan, Douglas, Sir

1812 - 1900

1813-1898, steel manufacturer, English; British

Bessemer, Sir Henry

1813 - 1898

1813-1891, philologist; politician, French

Bonaparte, Louis Lucien

1813 - 1891

1814-1876, physician, English; British

Sibson, Francis

1814 - 1876

1812-1884, artist, English; British

Laurence, Samuel

1812 - 1884

1809-1887, active 1833-1886, engraver; printmaker, British

Brown, Joseph

1809 - 1887

1812-1883, electrical engineer, British

Allan, Thomas

1812 - 1883

1815-1880, cast maker (sculpture), Italian; British (naturalised?)

Brucciani, Domenico

1815 - 1880

1812-1883, physician; surgeon, German

Bruns, Victor von

1812 - 1883